
Through our FAA and JAA-approved repair stations, RAC in-house repair and overhaul capabilities are supported by a large inventory of quality, factory-new parts from our business units. In addition, we maintain fully equipped shops with factory-controlled procedures and data for all RAC products. Customers worldwide recognize and appreciate RAC's dedication to quality service and quick turn times.
At RAC, our repair capabilities include OEM's, Air Transport, Helicopter, Corporate, and Military, providing one-stop repair services for many of our domestic and overseas-based customers. Our in-house repair facilities are approved by FAA and JAA authority, as well as many of the world's leading airlines. Our factory-trained and qualified technicians ensure that your component is returned to an airworthy condition in the shortest possible turn time.
We offer our customers total support packages for component maintenance, including not only traditional time and material repairs/overhauls, but also flight hour agreements, rotable pooling, leasing and exchange consignments.
Customer Support Organization
2201 Alton Parkway
Irvine, CA 92606
OEM /Aftermarket Support
Dan Zevallos
Warranty & Repair
Tom Alloway